AUTUMN BOOSTER Flu & Covid Vaccination Programme 2024
The autumn Flu and Covid Vaccination Programme starts nationally on 3rd October. We want to encourage as many patients as are eligible to take up the offer of a free Flu or Covid vaccination if they are eligible.
- Free Flu and Covid booster vaccinations will be given at all 3 practice sites for anyone aged 65 and above, or for anyone in an eligible group—see below.
- The vaccines will be given at the same time, as in previous years – one in each arm – so multiple visits to the practices are not required.
- Patients only wanting one of the vaccines will be given that option when they book: either just flu, or just Covid. Booking options detailed below.
- Patients in the qualifying groups will be sent a text in September via which they can make a booking, be informed how to book, or where and when to call. Texts will go out in batches and over a number of days, so you may not get yours on the first day. People without mobiles will be contacted by phone, and letter if necessary.
- We are unable to specify which Covid vaccine you will be given, although we do know it will be either Moderna or Pfizer.
- Our dedicated Vaccination Booking Lines—01409 255224 (Holsworthy & Hatherleigh) or 01288 270342 (Stratton)—will be available 10am-12noon and 2pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
- We are only vaccinating people for Covid aged 18 and above at the surgery. For information about vaccinations for those in the under 18 age-group, please check our website. We will post information as we receive it.
- We are unable to give flu jabs to anyone NOT in the qualifying groups. Please go to other providers, such as pharmacies or larger supermarkets. Charges will apply.
We want to encourage all our patients to take up both the flu and Covid booster vaccinations if they are eligible this autumn and are able to do so.
- if you get flu and COVID-19 at the same time, research shows you're more likely to be seriously ill
- getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 will provide protection for you and those around you for both these serious illnesses
- both flu and Covid are miserable illnesses; vaccination offers the best protection against the symptoms
The following groups of people are eligible for a Covid booster:
- anyone aged 65 (including those who'll be 65 by 31 March 2025)
- people living in a care home for older people and their staff
- people aged 6 months to 64 years in a clinical risk group
We are still awaiting additional clarification about the eligibility of frontline health and social care workers’ eligibility in regard to Covid vaccination.
As we have not been commissioned to provide Covid Vaccinations to young people who are aged 5 to 17, other local clinics, or schools should be offering these. We will post clinics on our website and Facebook page when we are notified.
The National Booking Service (NBS) will be available for the public to book appointments at other venues, from 23rd September only.
AUTUMN 2024 FLU VACCINATION - am I eligible?
The flu vaccination programme starts again in October 2024. Although we are not booking into clinics at the moment, we do have the following information.
There are two types of flu vaccines being used again this year: one for those aged 65 and above and another for those under 65. Those who qualify for a FREE jab are:
- people aged 65 and over (including those who'll be 65 by 31 March 2025)
- people who have certain health conditions (your practice will advise if you are unsure)
- women who are pregnant
- people who are in long-stay residential care
- those in receipt of carer's allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick. If you have just become a carer, please let us know.
- people who live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)
- frontline health or social care workers
For more information please visit:
CLINIC DATES at your practices
Saturday 5th October HOLSWORTHY MEDICAL CENTRE - all day
Thursday 10th October HATHERLEIGH MEDICAL CENTRE - 1pm to 5pm (at the practice)
Saturday 12th October STRATTON MEDICAL CENTRE - all day
Saturday 19th October HOLSWORTHY MEDICAL CENTRE - all day
Tuesday 22nd October HATHERLEIGH MEDICAL CENTRE - 1pm to 5pm (at the practice)
Saturday 26th October STRATTON MEDICAL CENTRE - all day
Please note: you can attend any of the clinics irrespective of which RCMG practice you are registered with.
LOCAL CLINICS run by other agencies
We will post any other vaccination clinics here, once we have been given the information by other local providers.
The National Booking Service opens on 23rd September for Covid bssoter bookings at larger vaccination centres after 3rd October.
The telephone number for NBS and vaccination queries is 119.
For the National Booking Service online click HERE
If you are not able to use the text link provided on your vaccination invitation, please may we ask that you use our dedicated Vaccination Boooking Line to book your vaccination appointment.
STRATTON: 01288 270342
HOLSWORTHY: 01409 255224
TIMES: 10am to 12noon & 2pm to 4pm Monday to Friday.
This keeps other lines free for other medical concerns.
For all Covid vaccinations the gaps between boosters should be:
- Those aged 12 and above, who are immunocompromised, must have a gap of at least 3 months since their last dose, ideally 6 months.
- Those aged 65 and above must have a gap of at least 3 months since their last booster/dose, ideally 6 months.
Vaccinations given here
If there is an error with your vaccine records and it was given by us, please call 01409 253692 and tell us about this issue. We will try to amend the error the same day, which updates on the national system within 24 hours.
Vaccinations given elsewhere
We are unable to change vaccine records completed elsewhere. If you have an issue with a record that was given at a different site, please contact that site to have any errors amended. If you are unable to contact the site who gave you the vaccine, please call 119 and ask for a VDRS referral. Someone from that team will then call you back and help you woth the query or correction. Once a record has been amended, it will take 24 hours to update on the national system.
Vaccines given in other parts of the UK should now appear in the English NHS System.
If you received any of your COVID-19 vaccinations overseas, you can now book an appointment with a local vaccination centre to get your vaccination records updated. Check the criteria and book an appointment HERE
The NHS Covid Pass can be found on your NHS App. If you have vaccination records, record your Covid tests, you can receive a Covid Pass. This is used when travelling. The NHS Covid Pass is seperate to our clinical system, so if there is a technical issue we are unable to help. Please dial 119 if there is an issue with your Covid Pass.
For those who had their vaccinations abroad we are unable to link your vaccine to the Covid Pass. We are able to put vaccines given abroad onto your medical record, however. This will not be picked up until there is a national update. We have also been told there is work being completed to form a national team to deal with any queries regarding this, but we have no further information on this yet.
If you need a paper vaccination record, please call 119. We are unable to supply any form of Covid Pass.
To find out how to apply for a Covid Pass if you are unable to be vaccinated press HERE
Entry Requirements Travelling Abroad
To find out all entry requirements, vaccinations (including Covid vaccinations), visas etc. when visiting countries overseas please click HERE
Travel Options & Testing
For full information about testing for coronavirus go to the NHS website
To download the NHS App (which includes full access to your record, NHS services and Covid Pass) please click HERE
The NHS Covid 19 App run by Test and Trace closed on April 27th 2023.
If you do not wish to be called for a Covid Vaccination you can choose to opt out by clicking HERE. This preference can be changed at any time. If patients do not wish to take up the offer of other vaccinations (including flu vaccinations), please contact your practice directly, so this can be formalised.